UD Studio 1 2007

Master of Science in Architecture and Urban Design, Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation, Urban Design Studio,Summer 2007

Monday, July 16, 2007

Lecture: July 18

Strategies and Tactics
Felecia Davis
Assistant Professor, Cornell University
Principal, CoLab

June 18, 12:30 -1:30
Avery Hall, Room 114

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

More Design References

Book on Meadowlands:

Robert Sullivan: The Meadowlands: Wilderness Adventures on the Edge of a City

Design Practices:










Urban Animations:

(Saul already sent these around, but so they are written somewhere:)

'Squint Opera':





Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Chart of Operations -- Agents

A Chart of Operations may also describe the tools with which different constituencies are engaged, or the tactical and strategic roles that elements play.

Chart of Operations -- Elements

The Chart of Operations may focus on the physical elements that the operator engages, and those elements that it introduces in order to effect changes to the urban fabric.

Ortega, Liu, 2005

Charts of Operations

The chart of operations describes the component parts of an urban operator and identifies what each of those parts do. The chart, as opposed to a plan, section or assembly axonometric allows you to describe those operations across multiple registers, such as:

• the public/programmatic operations of the urban design proposal
• the technical role that the elements play
• its urban effects (diagram its operation with larger systems).
• schedules of activation

In Marpillero & Pollak's presentation on Queens Plaza they described how MPA described the role of particular elements, in each of 3 scenarios. The location and role each element played was then mapped both to plan and to perspective , in order to distinguish tectonic decisions from programmatic intentions. Examples of how they did this may be seen in their presentation as well as in Sandro's essay in Constellations.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Holiday July 4

There will be no Studio meeting on July 4 in recognition of Independence Day

Design Reference

The flowing design practices may provide you with some inspiration to think about public space in the built environment. Take a careful look at representational techniques that clarify design intentions of organizational strategies, material technonics, dynamic (temporal) programming, and time-based strategies.

By locating the proper name of the project in these web sites you can search for them in the Avery Architectural Index to locate more detailed articles. Since many of these built projects are featured in more contemporary academic (journals) arenas the Avery Index is a good place to start that Google searches are limited to.










Many other examples to draw from. Please bring any references you find compelling into desk reviews.